New Year.
New Normal.
New Hope.
New Goals.
New Projects.
Same Mission.
That’s how we’re summarizing the transition from 2020 to 2021 at Amigios de Animales.
While the challenges of 2020 were shockingly disruptive, we’re viewing 2021 with less uncertainty and more positive enthusiasm. The challenges of 2021 promise to be more invigorating than debilitating.
Despite having to suspend our Mobile Clinics and Sterilization Blitzes in 2020, Amigos de Animales still managed to spay and neuter more than 160 dogs and cats in the greater San Miguel area. Over a course of the next six years this will prevent the birth of thousands of pets that could have wound up being abandoned, homeless, and suffering. Pet overpopulation is its own kind of global pandemic.
As the calendar turns to 2021, the challenge for Amigos de Animales will be to find a way to navigate around the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic because our public health concerns aren’t likely to disappear overnight.
Our strategies may be different, but the mission and primary goal of Amigos de Animales for 2021 remains the same:
To sterilize 1,200 dogs and cats in the greater San Miguel de Allende area in order to reduce animal suffering that is caused by overpopulation.
Our initiatives in 2021 will also remain the same:
>> Ongoing scaled sterilization clinics
>> Mobile spay/neuter clinics in the campo
However, until the risk of COVID-19 spread has been significantly reduced, we cannot operate our “normal” Sterilization Blitzes and Mobile Clinics. Instead we’ll continue to embrace our “new normal.”
In 2021 Amigos de Animales will be continuing its creative alternative Free Sterilization Voucher Program that was implemented in 2020. We will continue working with selected vets in the San Miguel de Allende area to provide free sterilizations to dogs and cats on an individual basis.

While the costs for this Free Sterilization Voucher Program are significantly higher than our normal costs, we believe that we must continue to offer cat and dog sterilizations on an as-needed basis in order to fulfill our mission, achieve our goals and prevent widespread animal suffering in the future.
The Amigos de Animales leadership team will also be focusing its creativity on refocusing volunteer efforts and rebooting fundraising initiatives. If you’re not on our mailing list, click here to get updates about the inspiring, engaging and fun programs and projects as they roll out om 2021.
And, of course, it’s the donations, grants bequests and volunteer hours of our supporters that make everything possible. (Click here if you’d like to join our Pawsome Volunteer Team>>)
The people involved with Amigos de Animales have a belief that every dog and cat deserves to have a home and a human to call their own. In 2021 we will be more committed than ever to finding a way to do our part to create that future reality for our furry friends in San Miguel de Allende.
Our best wishes to you and yours for a healthy and happy New Year. We look forward to working with you and for you throughout 2021!