Since 2002 Amigos has neutered over 12,000 animals. 614 animals were adopted and received another chance at life. Yet the number of dogs, whose lives have ended all too soon, because of Ecologia’s program of euthanasia. is staggering .
Three times a year, we give free sterilization blitzes, spaying/neutering approximately 150 animals each time, preventing thousands of unwanted births. Our new mobile clinic is also fully operative in the communities, performing sterilizations every week.
Amigos de Animales also owns the office and surgery room at Ecologia’s Pound, and also pays the vets to perform sterilizations and vaccinations there. A group of dedicated volunteers have become the guardian angels of dogs picked up by Ecologia and brought to the Pound.
Our goal is to keep the animals in the best possible health so they have every chance to be adopted, every chance to live.Yes, much has been accomplished these past years, but there is much yet to do – and we are grateful for every bit of help we receive!
My sincere thanks,
Arno K. Naumann