Amigos Animales

Amigos Animales

It Takes A Village

Amigos de Animales is proud to announce that 812 dogs and cats were sterilized in 4 days, April 13-16, at DIF in San Miguel de Allende due to a massive campaign under the auspices of Ecologia. Thank you to Octavio…

Amigos Sterilization Blitz – March 2016

Amigos is pleased to offer its first Sterilization Blitz of 2016Free sterilizations for dogs and cats over 4 months of age Location: Club de Leones, Plaza San Antonio 12, Col. San AntonioWhen: Saturday and Sunday, March 12 and 13Time:  Registration is at…

17,000 dogs and cats sterilized

As of today, December 11, Amigos de Animales has sterilized 17,000 dogs and cats (17,001 to be exact.)Congratulations to Arno Naumann for founding Amigos in 2001 and continuing to serve as President until 2015, to Omar and Vanessa and the…

Arno K Naumann, Founder and President Retires

The Board of Amigos de Animales of San Miguel de Allende regretfully announces the retirement of our Founder and President Arno K. Naumann as of December 31, 2014.   It is impossible to adequately express our gratitude for his fourteen years of service during…