Amigos de Animales needs your help!
The cost to hold one Amigos Spay/Neuter Blitz costs approximately $5000 usd. A new board is aggressively suggesting we need to hold these events four (4) times per year in order to keep ahead of the animal populations crisis and meet the need of the community.As such, Amigos de Animales will be holding a large garage/rummage sale mid-December. This event is graciously being produced by Helen and Paul Dickinson. They have done this many times for other charities and raised large amounts of money. So, we need your help in the form of donations! Items include: Clothes (Women’s & Mens), Shoes, Belts, Hats, Purses, Jewelry, Appliances (in working order), Prints, Art, Furniture, Books, Decor Items, Kitchen Ware, electronics, etc. So, clean out you closets, bodegas and garages! We need your help!Drop off location and pick arrangements can be make during November by contacting Kelly Karger at kellykarger@mac.com. All donations need to be dropped off or collected prior to Nov. 25, 2019.
With many thanks in advance,
Amigos de Animales de San Miguel de Allende AC