Find out about upcoming pet sterilization campaign
Free and close to your neighborhood in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.
What We Do
Amigos de Animales provides no cost sterilizations in San Miguel de Allende and the surrounding communities.

We operate large scale sterilization clinic events 2-4 times per year in Centro San Miguel de Allende and in addition we operate smaller bi-weekly, mobile sterilization clinic events in the communities surrounding San Miguel de Allende. Our clinics are staffed by veterinarians from the Guanajuato State Department of Health veterinarians and with volunteers from the community, and our board members.
The campo communities outside of Centro San Miguel de Allende is where the problem of overpopulation is most severe, and so In cooperation with the Delegados/Delagadas of these communities, 20 to 30 animals are sterilized at each “campo clinic”.
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Latest Articles

Amigos Sterilization Blitz November 30th
Amigos de Animales is pleased to offer its fourth Sterilization Blitz of 2024Free sterilizations for dogs and cats over 4 months of ageLocation: Cuartel de Bomberos at Blvb de La Conspiración When: Saturday November 30th.Time: Registration is at 7:00 AM.…

Our Next Garage Sale
Amigos de Animales is getting ready for our next garage sale later this year. We need your quality donations of clothes, small appliances, household decor, rugs, electronics, kitchen items and other items we can sell to support more FREE sterilizations…

Annual Ordinary Assembly
Amigos de Animales de San Miguel de Allende invites you to its Annual Ordinary Asseembly. Saturday March 23rd, 1:00pm at Club de Leones, Calle Principal #12, Colonia San Antonio

Our next Garage Sale is coming soon
Your donations will help us to fund our next large scale sterilization blitz. We will be happy to gather your good conditions clothes, shoes, kitchen items, electronics, funiture, decorations, etc. Send us a message and we will be happy to…
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