Be The Solution:
Spay and neuter

The mission of Amigos de Animales is to alleviate the suffering of cats and dogs by controlling their overpopulation through no-fee sterilizations.

Find out about upcoming pet sterilization campaign

Free and close to your neighborhood in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.

What We Do

Amigos de Animales provides no cost sterilizations in San Miguel de Allende and the surrounding communities.

We operate large scale sterilization clinic events 2-4 times per year in Centro San Miguel de Allende and in addition we operate smaller bi-weekly, mobile sterilization clinic events in the communities surrounding San Miguel de Allende.  Our clinics are staffed by veterinarians from the Guanajuato State Department of Health veterinarians and with volunteers from the community, and our board members. 

The campo communities outside of Centro San Miguel de Allende is where the problem of overpopulation is most severe, and so In cooperation with the Delegados/Delagadas of these communities, 20 to 30 animals are sterilized at each “campo clinic”. 

What people say about us on Facebook

San Miguel Testimonials

Amigos de Anamales is a great organization working to reduce the overpopulation of dogs and cats here in SMA

Amigos has helped me several times. One for a dog that was chained to a wall with no food and water then abandoned.

Excellent human beings, and charitable, their disposition and attention to the animals is excellent. Thank you for your help!

What to read

Latest Articles

Our next blitz is coming

On Saturday, October 14th 2023, Amigos de Animales will hold another giant sterilization clinics, totally free, at CASA in Colonia Santa Julia in San Miguel de Allende. This clinic is being held in honor of our dear friend Maggie Hutchins.…

Read MoreOur next blitz is coming

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